an unknown listener writes in...

Message 63 of 65
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 21:40:47 -0500
To: <> Subject: mail from website

  Hey ...
  like the sounds - who is talking about his CD's
  images... well, there is much more to Charlotte and Tryon
  .....300 people typing one letter?
  can't reach the chat...
  .... Kodak is his favorite company?????
  makes the dog bark
  ....account executives...
  people want to interact with who...
  who is talking? 
  how long does a webcast last?
  can you save it?
  "I was wondering about that actually"...
  is this guy a recording artist?
  she is from Wells, Georgia
  hmmm, debutante ball .... boys from Alabama...
  are we making fun of the south?
  more f..... s..... killed a man... 
  "criminal lawyer"... dead cannibal... killed her husband on Christmas eve
  my god mother and god father rich racing speed boats
  she became crazy... drown her in their olympic size swimming pool... that was ...
  there were others
  the fact that my junior prom date, ex neo nazi... just how it was in rome georgia
  midnight in the garden of good and evil
  I've been there everyone packing a gun
  there all loaded
  my friends carried them on the size
  how it was how I was raised
  45 magnum. quite a large gun
  not my 45 
  I had a 22 and 12 guage
  two men working at my house
  black man working in the yard 
  slit him ... guts on the floor
   Charlotte Plantation
  Good mornin Miss
  last time I ever slept naked
  so many things happened
  I been many places in the world
  but nothing as strange
  we had 200 acre farm... 
  Pam she had a menagerie... 
  4 monkeys 
  her name was Pam
  she was my neighbor
  horrible nightmare
  tiger that is different
  in Rome GA there were two Arabian prince....
  psychiatrist's office... friends father
  I was in a bit of a state
  he asked me to marry him
  sir, you have me mistaken for someone else
  told me I'd be his tigress in bed
  on Saturdays, hacking was what it was called
  all of the rules of fox hunting
  huge jumps
  hacking was before the season
  this is my world of fox hunting, not your world
  there is this other hunt club...
  we were not up to their social 
  is this enough about the south 
  not what people think about as the south
  this is my south
  k: do you have Walmarts
  gas stations
  Harris Teeter
  good night