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The following hyperlinks are all themed around the notion, use and simulation of small self-replicating executable programmes- the computer virus. Some of the pieces comment on the loss of control, anarchy and danger whilst others highlight the visibility and aesthetic nature of the virus source code language.
The virus is a highly active and communicational medium through the use of local and wide area networks. These networks provide the platform for the virus to distribute exact copies of itself. It behaves as an intervention into a system, it interferes, replicates and propagates itself within the host machines and continually self automates actions, passing and sampling divulged personal information from one machine to another. It is a social and political tool.
author Joseph Nechvatal
title The Computer virual Formula
Year 1991/1992
url http://www.nechvatal.net/
'The Computer virual Formula' is an early project by artist Joseph Nechvatal. The above project uses a virus source code to create a computer generated painting. Joseph Nechvatal employs the viral programs as artificial life applications to create paintings which are usually 'robot assisted'. These paintings evolve and consume as artificial life and viral activity.
related urls and further reading
The Computer Virus Project, a recent project by Joseph Nechvatal.
author Jonas ?
title DasVirus / The Virus
Year ?
url http://www.dasvirus.textart.de/
DasVirus translation
Unsure of the author of this site which asks on it's index page-
'Wie kann ich mich optimal infizieren ?' or 'How can I infect myself optimally?'
This site encourages and tempts infection of your specific platform {pc & mac only}. There is no real virus here, only the illusion of the possibility. The index page encourages infection by entering into a password protected site. The password and user details are visible and obvious on the index page {}. Once inside the infectious area , the piece of work transforms itself and shifts the emphasize onto artificial life and biological viral activity.
author Tara Bethune-Leamen
title Virus Corp
year 2001
url http://www.studioxx.org/coprods/tara/
An online 'in-CORP-orated' virtual creature the 'Virus Corp' 'unleashes' itself as a symbolic virus onto chosen corporate website. This project responds to 'spread' of capitalistic global activity.
author jodi - Joan Heemskerk and Dirk Paesmans
title 404
year 1997
url http://404.jodi.org
related urls http://jodi.org/
Jodi are famously known for their projects that produce erratic desktop and machine behaviour. They present work which is incredibly convincing of viral activity and infection. The chaotic cut 'n' paste re-sampled information and effects of Jodi's work are very similar to early viruses which entertained as they infected. There is also an obvious reference within Jodi's 404 project to the 'Good Times' email virus hoax.
Further analysis http://twenteenthcentury.com/saul/jodi.htm
author 0100101110101101.org & epidemiC
title biennale.py
year 2001
url http://www.0100101110101101.org/home/biennale_py/index.html/
The 'biennale.py', an art virus was created collaboratively between artist programmers EpidemiC & 0100101110101101.org, commissioned for the 49th Venice Biennale.
The 'biennale.py' is a self reproducing program and is apparently is the first virus to be written in the python programming language. As with all viruses, survival and replication are the main aims of biennale.py'. Biennale.py' was released 'into the wild' {http://www.ntsecurity.net/Panda/Glosary.htm#INTHEWILD} to infect and survive however it is detectable by anti-virus software and can be quarantined & eradicated. Therefore the further rare this virus becomes 'in the wild' the higher it's monetary value will rise. Special cd roms which contained the virus were sold for around $1500.
How nice it would be to become infected by a piece of art work.
related urls and further reading
author epidemiC
title bocconi.vbs
year 2002
url http://www.epidemic.ws/bocconi/index.html
Another live virus by the EpidemiC group, the 'bocconi.vbs' brand virus propagates itself by sending itself to every email address as an attachment. It invites the users of the infected machines to visit the university site- . This visit creates a text document in ascii characters of the 'bocconi' logo. Each time the infected machine starts up it will be branded by the 'bocconi' logo.
related urls
author epidemiC
title love_letter
year 2001
url http://www.epidemiC.ws/dina_en.html
http://www.epidemiC.ws/.love.mp3 [audio]
http://www.epidemiC.ws/.love.ram [rm video]
The most memorable virus in recent times must has to be LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.VBS. It caused widespread infection by charming it's way into many systems. Disguised in an email, subject line of "I love you" prompted many curious users to infect themselves. EpidemiC re-appropriated and exposed the source code of this virus LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs as a reading by Franco Berardi Bifo philosopher and political activist at the Biennale in Bologna.
Further reading & related urls
author spyder
year 2000
source code http://www.geocities.com/CyberC0mpany/VirSour/loveletter.htm
author Sneha Solanki
title The Lovers
year 2001
url http://electronicartist.net/the-lovers/index.html
An installation piece of my work which uses a variant of the early Cascade virus to
manipulate and corrupt on screen text/information in ms dos through infection. The interface of classical symbolistic language becomes a deconstructed mutation of it's previous state over time until eventually the virus corrupts the system to its maximum capacity.